Where to stay
To help you make more responsible choices when it comes to choosing your next hotel, we’ve created the Green Leaf logo. Any hotel or resort that is labelled with the Green Leaf has been certified by an organisation using criteria created by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. This means that it is working to maximise social and economic benefits in the local community, enhance cultural heritage, reduce negative impacts on the environment, and to be effectively planning for the future with sustainability in mind.

You’ll see this logo in our marketing but it’s also something that you can ask your Travel Counsellor about when you’re planning your next trip so that you can be sure that you’re staying at a more sustainable hotel. As well as doing good for the environment and local communities, you’ll find that many of these hotels deliver a more authentic experience of your destination, meaning it’s a win-win for you.
“Our Travel Counsellor represents our first experience of using a travel consultant so I think we were a little unsure of what to expect. However, I have to say that right from first contact we were blown away by their knowledge, professionalism and efficiency. I can honestly say that it has already changed the way we undertake holidays and travel. We are, putting it mildly, very impressed!”
Steve, Travel Counsellors' customer

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